Filtering Referrals

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So, by now you have all of the referrals displayed inside the software, but there should be a way to focus on specific referrals based on certain criteria. The software has the referrals filtering feature which helps on changing the currently displayed referrals so that it becomes easier for you to focus and analyze. Also, it is useful if used with the Mass Action feature if you want to quickly add a comment(note), assign a flag, or mark To Be Recycled on a group of referrals matching certain filtering criteria according to your own recycling strategy.

Before we describe each of the available filters and how they work, we need to know the general steps to activate the referrals filter, turn ON/OFF a filter(criteria), adjust the parameters of a filter(criteria), and so on. Let's see a simple example to filter the referrals by their average, we want to see only the referrals having average between 0.6 and 1.7, do so we follow the steps below.

1- Press the Filter button on the left side of the software above the Referrals list.

2- The Filter Referrals window opens

3- Check the Activate check-box

4- Under Average section, choose ON radio-button

5- Enter the lowest average value in the first text field under Average section

6- Enter the highest average value in the second text field under Average section

7- Press OK button

8- Notice that the Filter button appearance changed so that it indicates the referrals filtering is activated (The icon color is changed from Gray to Blue)

9- Now we can see the Referrals list is displaying only the referrals who are matching our filter criteria, we notice also that the percentage of the referrals shown is lower than 100%. In our example, the referrals having average between 0.6 and 1.7 are 4784 (57.29%) of the whole referrals we have.

In the above example, we have applied a simple single filter, what about combining another criteria to the above filter, for example, let's also show only the referrals matching the above average filter and at the same time having referral since date more than 21 days. To do so, follow the steps below.

1- Press the Filter button on the left side of the software above the Referrals list.

2- The Filter Referrals window opens

3- Under Referral Since section, choose ON radio-button

4- Enter the lowest referral since date in days value in the first text field under Referral Since section

5- Enter the highest referral since date in days value in the second text field (you can leave the maximum value 999999 in this case) under Referral Since section

6- Press OK button

7- Now we can see the Referrals list is displaying only the referrals who are matching our combined filter criteria, we notice also that the percentage of the referrals shown is lower than 100% and lower than the previous percentage when we were using only the average filter alone. In our example, the referrals having average between 0.6 and 1.7 and referral since date 21 days or more, are 1365 (16.35%) of the whole referrals we have.

8- Similarly, using other available filters we can combine third, forth, or more criteria to our filter to focus on only the target referrals we would like to show in the Referrals list.

IMPORTANT! If you would like to deactivate the referrals filtering feature to show the whole referrals you have in the Referrals list, press Filter button, clear the Activate check-box, press OK button.

The Filter button will change its appearance indicating that the filtering feature is not activated(The icon color is changed from Blue to Gray).

IMPORTANT! If you would like to turn off a filter(criteria), press Filter button, under the corresponding filter section, choose OFF radio-button, press OK button. The Referrals list will show only the referrals matching the activated filter excluding the turned off criteria.

IMPORTANT! If you would like to restore all the Filter Referrals window's fields to their default values, press the Use Defaults button.

Now we know the general steps to activate the referrals filter, turn ON/OFF a filter(criteria), adjust the parameters of a filter(criteria), combining more than one criteria. For more details about each of the available filters and the referrals filtering feature, check the following links.

Average Filter

Total Clicks Filter

Last Click Filter

Referral Since Filter

Last N Days Clicks Filter

Times Clicking After N Days Filter

Two Flags Transition Filter (Full Edition Only)

Minimum Clicks on a Day Filter (Full Edition Only)

Maximum Clicks on a Day Filter (Full Edition Only)

Clicks of Each of The Latest N Weeks Filter (Full Edition Only)

Current Flag Filter (Full Edition Only)

Probability % of Clicking After N Days Filter (Full Edition Only)

Likelihood to Click Today Filter (Full Edition Only)

Referral Comment Contains Text Filter (Full Edition Only)

Referral Recycling Advisor Suggestion Filter (Full Edition Only)

Referrals Display

Save/Apply Saved Filters

Join Two Filters (Full Edition Only)