Q: Does this software violates Neobux terms of service? Does it need Internet connection to work?
A: No, it doesn't violate Neobux terms of service, this is just a desktop software that is used for keeping track of your rented referrals statistics by importing the exported data from neobux.com. This software doesn't need Internet connection to work, you only load it with the rented referrals exported data as you normally do everyday from neobux.com.
Q: Help, after I downloaded your software my Norton anti-virus detected a threat in the downloaded file and deleted it. What should I do?
A: Don't worry, this is false alarm. Norton started to report any software files that are seen for the first time according to their database. We don't do business with Symantec and so our software is not listed in their database to be consider safe from their point of view which is why you got such threat by Norton. Just, disable your Norton, re-download our software, install it, then re-enable your Norton. Check out why this is truly a false alarm!
Q: I have just started to use your software but the statistics of my referrals is different from neobux.com. Why is that?
A: This is because you haven't loaded enough exported data from neobux.com just yet. You have to load the exported referrals data daily for at least a week or more so that the data between the software and neobux.com become on sync and matching each other.
Q: Why are you making a community version with unlimited usage time? Don't you want to sell the Full version more?
A: Because we have started to develop such software as freeware and shared it with Neobux users community and we can't ignore the fact that without their precious suggestions, ideas and trials, we wouldn't be able to make this software the ultimate solution for managing the rented referrals on Neobux so far. So to be grateful, we are not forcing anyone to buy our software. Although, the development and continuous enhancements for such software takes much time and effort. That's why we offer the full version that is reasonably priced, for all users who would like to express some gratitude and like to support the community version as well.
Q: I have seen posts on Neobux forums about this software already, are you referring to the same tool?
A: Yes, I am the owner of this software and already registered user on Neobux as yahiatnt. Please note that the version that I am sharing on Neobux forums is exactly the same version as the community version which can be downloaded here except that it's adjusted to adhere to the Terms Of Services (TOS) of Neobux.
Q: I have completed the payment for downloading the full version but haven't got any emails that includes my bought copy?
A: This process shouldn't take more than 24 hours as we have to verify your payment and create an account for you so that we can support you efficiently in the future.
Q: Why I always get an error message whenever I try to launch the software after installation?
A: Most likely you haven't installed Microsoft .Net framework version 4.0. Also, for Windows 8, if you face any issues running this software check this link.
Q: Why the options, filters and application settings do not get saved after I close the application then reopen it?
A: You have to run the application executable as Administrator.
Q: Doesn't the graph of referrals clicks per day display the first entry clicks?
A: No it doesn't display the first entry, it's like the graph displays the difference in total clicks between the days. Also, you have to wait until a particular referral has more than one record in the clicks history table in order to start seeing his graph.
Q: Do I have to load the exported referrals list everyday midnight? How about exporting on other time of the day? And what if I missed a day to export, will the software display incorrect data?
A: You don't need to export everyday midnight but for the most correct results you have to export everyday midnight, the only thing that will happen is that the clicks will be accumulated/shifted between the days but overall total clicks will be correct. If you missed a day, the clicks will be shifted to the next available exported data and total clicks will be the same. The ideal situation is to export everyday and midnight, but if you missed a day or didn't export exactly mid night the overall results will still be reasonable as long as this is not frequently happening.
Q: I have loaded my referrals exported data files but there is something wrong with the displayed data inside the software?
A: Most probably, the files were not loaded in sorted ascending order from older files to recent files during the import. You have to ensure that the files are loaded in correct order to get correct results.
Q: How to load my old exported referrals data files?
A: The software only accept .txt files and will try to sort them by the file creation dates. If they are still out of order, then you can sort them by their file name patterns if they are labeled like 31_01_2012.txt or so. Else, you will have to manually reorder them yourself. Also, make sure that the selected folder doesn't contain other .txt files which don't have correct referrals data or you will receive an error.
Q: I don't find my question's answer on this page, what should I do?
A: Go to the contact page and send us message. If you have purchased our Full version you can contact us on referralshandymanager@gmail.com
Q: Is there any sort of forum or users group for your software?
A: Yes, you can visit our Official Facebook Page and post discussion topics as you like and share your thoughts and strategies.